“Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us... passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace... but we would be hollow... Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead.”

viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

La muerta.- Neruda

Si tú no vives,
si tú, querida, amor mío, si tú
te has muerto,
todas las hojas caerán en mi pecho,
lloverá sobre mi alma noche y día,
la nieve quemará mi corazón,
andaré con frío y fuego
y muerte y nieve,
mis pies querrán marchar hacia donde tú
duermes, pero seguiré vivo.

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Hijos de un Dios menor.

Cuando la vida de alguien cambia por completo con la brisa del este. Un hombre.
Una loca necesidad de ser escuchada y la impotencia y necesidad del otro de oír.
Una vida sumida en vibraciones e imágenes, imágenes que no siempre se llegan a comprender.
Dos personas que se cruzan en el camino, una unión más allá del sonido. Sólo latidos del corazón.
Así, el mismo Bach palidece ante la melodía silenciosa de tu alma.
Dos cuerpos que flotan en el agua, gestos que fluyen entre las ondas.
"Di mi nombre"

Can't find the devil

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

The bodyguard.

Buscas a tu alrededor.
Miles de caras que devuelven la mirada, desconocidos.
Una multitud de ojos que te acechan en las sombras, pero ¿qué buscas insensata?¿Dónde o cuándo encontraste antes paz cuando todo era oscuro?¿Qué hay? Ah.
Ahí, tan cerca y tan lejos. Igual que siempre.
¿Por qué tan tenso?¿Acaso temes por mi seguridad?¿Me buscabas tú también? No. Tú ya me observabas hace rato. Cómo no.
La mirada que me arropa, la paz que me envuelve. Seguridad.
Oh! Al fin, esa tierna mano a tender. Una racha de pasión que te empuja a tirar de mí. Y una vez en tus brazos, oh ¿qué soy sino tu pequeña asustada?
Si mis fuerzas flaquean, si el peligro me envuelve, si pierdo el rumbo, si hallo dolor tú me cargas es tus brazos, y con una mirada de sosiego veo como mis temores se desvanecen tras nosotros.
Y aunque la lluvia caiga como granizo tú, tú alma imperturbable me conduces a través de la tempestad.Con determinación y la certeza de que si algo me sucediera mil cabezas arrancarías.
Sí, ahí está necia. Él que conoce ya todas tus sonrisas, todas tus lágrimas y sueños.

¿Y si corrieras hacia él?¿Crees que saldría huyendo o que se quedaría?
De cualquier modo siempre sabrás que aunque recuestes la cabeza en su pecho él jamás abandonará la alerta.

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Magic records and a baboon heart.

Dear C
aroline: I don’t need these anymore because all my wishes came true. I found you. So play them and think of me. I’ll wish on Mars and think of you. I carry your heart with me…I’m not finished, I carry it in my heart.”

Corazón indomable.

He was like an angel, you know? I never knew life could be like that. He was the one thing I followed through in my life, the one thing I didn't give up on. I was good at loving him.

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

____❀ ✿❋...Spring...❋✿❀____

North & South.

Cumbres borrascosas.

I pray one prayer, I repeat it till my tongue stiffens. Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living! You said I killed you, haunt me, then!... Be with me always, take any form, drive me mad, only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!... I cannot live without my life. I cannot live without my soul.


Dearest Evgeny, I write to you, it is all I can do. And now I know it is in your power to punish my presuming heart. Yet if you have one drop of pity, you'll not abandon me to my unhappy fate. I am in love with you and I must tell you this or my heart, my heart which belongs to you, will surely break. I would never have revealed my shame to you, if just once a week I might see you. Exchange a word or two and then think day and night of one thing alone til our next meeting. But you're unsociable, they say, that the country bores you. Is it true? Does the country bore you? Sometimes I wonder that you ever visited us. Why, I'd never have known you or known this agony and fever. I know that all my life's been leading me to this union with you. I recognised you at first sight and knew with certainty. I said to myself, It's him, he has come. Help me, resolve my doubts. Perhaps all this is nonsence, emptiness, a delusion and quite another fate awaits me. Imagine it, I'm here alone half out of my mind. I dread to read this over, my secret longing. I know that I can trust your honour, though I feel faint from shame and fear, Tatyan.

I can forsee the bitter scorn blazing at me from your proud eyes when you have read my secret sorrow. When we first met, through chance, I saw tenderness like a shooting star but did not dare to put my faith in it. Then Lensky fell, which parted us til further. Then I tore my heart away from everything I loved, rootless, estranged from all, I thought that liberty and peace would serve instead of happiness. My God, how wrong I was. How I have been punished. No, day by day to be with you, follow you everywhere, alive to every smile, each movement of your eyes, to dwell upon you soul's perfection, listen to your voice and grow faint with yearning. That is bliss and I'm cut off from it. My time is short, each day and hour is precious yet I just drag myself around in boredom. Everyday a desert unless when I wake up I know the day will bring a glimpse of you. If you but knew the flames that burn in me, which I attempt to beat down with my reason, but let it be. I cannot struggle against my feelings anymore, I am entirely in your will.

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Message in a bottle.

''To aII the ships at sea and aII the ports of caII. To my famiIy and to aII friends and strangers. '' ''This is a message and a prayer. The message is that my traveIs taught me a great truth. I aIready had what everyone is searching for. . . . . .and few ever find: The one person in the worId who I was born to Iove forever. A person Iike me, of the Outer Banks. . . . . .and the bIue AtIantic mystery. '' To all the ships at sea... ...and all the ports of call. To my family... ...and to all friends and strangers. This is a message and a prayer. The message is that my travels taught me a great truth. l already had what everyone is searching for... ...and few ever find: The one person in the world... ... who l was born to love forever. A person like me, of the Outer Banks... ...and the blue Atlantic mystery. A person rich in simple treasures... ...self-made, self-taught. A harbor where l am forever home. And no wind or trouble... ...or even a little death can knock down this house. The prayer is that everyone in the world can know this kind of love... ...and be healed by it. lf my prayer is heard, then there will be an erasing of all guilt... ...and all regret... ...and an end to all anger. Please, God. Amen.

''Dear Catherine: There isn't an hour without you in it. I mend the boats, test them. . . . . .and aII the whiIe the memories come in Iike the tide. I thought today of when we were young. . . . . .and you Ieft our worId for a bigger worId. I was a Iot more scared than I wouId admit. I fought my fear. . . . . .by teIIing myseIf you'd come back someday. . . . . .and trying to think of the first thing I'd say when I saw you again. I must have tried out possibiIities. What did I finaIIy say? Not much. My mouth wouIdn't work, except to kiss you. When you said, 'I'm here to stay' . . . . . .that said it aII. WeII, I'm doing it again. I keep imagining what I'd say to you if somehow you came back. ''

Feathers falling through the times.

No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever.